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The word just travel is written in gold letters on a red background.

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“Travel To The End Of The World”

The World’s Last Landscape

There's nothing like the wonders of the unknown to increase the adrenaline! 

Antarctica, the 7th continent, the white continent, the silent continent! 

This expedition is the ultimate in bucket list wishes. A difficult description to put into words, as really, there are no words. The coldest, driest and highest continent on Earth, covering 14 billion square feet in ice, untouched scenery, an abundance of natural wildlife, Antarctica will be the most unique experience of your lifetime.

A must for nature and wildlife lovers, penguins, whales, sea birds and seals all in their natural habitat. The wildlife of Antarctica have never experienced land predators, giving you the opportunity to get up close and personal with penguins. Antarctica law forbids close contact (within 5m) to most land based wildlife, however, penguins are friendly and curious creatures with no fear of humans, they will come to you! Your tour guide will guide you through the rules at all times.

 Experience the most breathtaking scenery as you pass magnificent glaciers and enormous snow capped mountains. Several options are available, depending on the type of activities you would like to engage in and depending on how much sail time you would like compared to how much land based experience you would like. We encourage only a small selection of carefully hand chosen itineraries, that will capture your heart forever. We only promote Eco friendly expeditions, using hybrid power ships, ensuring a low C02 print. This has never been so important as it is right now, part of your expedition will include education on Antarctica and why we hold the responsibility to protect this ever so important part of the world. 

Learn about the science and history behind why Antarctica has no human made infrastructure and why it's ever more important to ensure we keep it that way. We all lead such busy, hectic lives, experience complete serenity in Antarctica, with no distractions from the outside world, a pure world, where man has made nothing! A world you simply cannot experience anywhere else. The other world, one that you will never forget after this truly magical, once in a lifetime experience. 

Looking at the various options for reaching Antarctica can be mind blowing, let us help you to gain a deeper understanding into the reasons for your visit, let us help us achieve your expectations and dreams. We can advise and inform you on the various options and help you to make the right choice for you. With so much to consider, we need to have an informal chat with you to make sure we understand your needs fully before making any recommendations. We can offer solo trips, trips for couples and friends, special family expeditions and group tours. 

We understand how important reaching Antarctica is and why it's high up there on the bucket list for many, we appreciate the costs involved, therefore, we will always do whatever we can to keep the costings to a minimum for you, we will always try to come in at a lower price than our competitors because for us, the thrill of getting you to Antarctica is purely enough.

 Get in touch with an expert to discuss our recommended options.

A large iceberg in the middle of a body of water
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